Monday, January 2, 2017

2016 Reflection

2016 Has been such an eventful year!

Most of the highlights from this year were spent outdoors.  We love a good adventure and have really been trying to get out every chance that we have.  We hiked lots of different trails here in Idaho including Jump Creek Falls and spent 2 days backpacking in McCall. 

  I got to bike 60 miles for Goldilocks and Arah finished the Spudman Triathlon again, he even improved his time from last year by quite a bit. 

We were able to spend an amazing couple of days with my family at my sister's cabin.  Seriously my nephews and nieces are the cutest. 

It really was such a wonderful year,  there were definitely hardships.  In May we found out that we were expecting our first baby shortly after we found out that we had a miscarriage.  This really launched a period of self discovery.


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